Coming Out of the Sheepfold

They used to say, ‘Its the goats that are leaving the church and all the sheep, they’re remaining.’ Yet I have observed that goats gather with no herder, they have no fear and find their way through cliffs faces and valleys alike. The shepherd goes to rescue the lost sheep, its wool is full with the winter chills, its heavy, they loose their way in the marshland. The farmer throws a noose around, to drag that one free. And David declares, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,” yes its a very fond word to show the Healers love for us. Only the Lord of Heaven has the spiritual rights, to naming humans ‘Sheep,’ for yes we’re all on a different level to Him.

Therefore, the shepherd – sheep relationship is this, Jesus Christ is our Shepherd, who loves us frail flesh creatures, who watches over us with love and tender care. But then that was not enough, for we see John revealing a further piece to the puzzle about our Good Shepherd. In John chapter ten it is explained, that Jesus leads them out of the sheep pen. The book of John is the introduction to Jesus, the Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world, this is the Good shepherd who gives His life for the sheep. He enters the fold to find His sheep, they know His voice, He calls them out. This is a picture of day and night. The sheepfold is where the sheep safely sleep at night. When He leads one out, He leads them into the day, this is salvation.

Listen closely me friends. At that moment, you were lead out from the sheepfold by following His Voice. You came out of the night and into the light. Then this is the moment of salvation you experienced. At this point of time, you are no longer considered a ‘Sheep’, but instead now you are a child of God, a member of Heaven and a Saint of the Most High. Then He leads you back into the sheepfold, to others that remain in darkness, with the mission of working with the Holy Spirit, His Voice, to bring them out, just like you were.

No longer should you refer to each other as sheep, for those of the household of God are no longer lost animals, only the Lord has that honour of calling His sheep by name, and His sheep are still those lost ones, who have yet to find the Good Shepherd.

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